Thursday, 12 December 2013

COSTAATT's Communication Evolution!!

Hello to our dear and most cherished followers.

COSTAATT Social Media Avengers would this week explore the evolution of communication throughout the years at COSTAATT. Even though our initial focus was on social media, it changed to exploring communication on the whole in COSTAATT. This was simply because we

 Since most of the group members started their academia in 2008 we saw it as a fitting start. Through the years this College has come a very long way with its use of the many communication tools that are to its disposal. In case you forgot, they are:

-Text message
- E-classroom
-Social Media- Facebook

Anyone who has been in the system five years and more can testify that communication outside the classroom was non existent. They did not even have a properly functioning website. Most communication took place through the good ol' noticeboard.   One of our group members almost did not bother to apply to COSTAATT because of this. However, administration along with IT worked tirelessly to bring us the seeming well function system we have today. A student,when asked how COSTAATT has evolved over the years, gave this account : She recounted that in 2007 when she started attending the college, many times she would turn up for class only to find out that class was postponed. This made her upset most of the times since she is living in Chaguanas. Most students have been through a similar scenario. Fortunately, the College has taken great strides in helping to curb some of these grievances by utilizing many tools available to it. So now students are most times forewarned about any interruption of class most times in advance.

These messages often go through mediums of text messages, e-mails or phone calls. Last year was quite significant in the timely way various bulletins came from the college. One that stood out was the day that Port of Spain was inundated with lots of rain. Messages via emails and texts were sent warning students not to venture into the city unnecessarily.  Another instance that should be mentioned would be last year November. It was the Friday night before graduation, messages of traffic disruptions were sent out so students got a “heads up” to leave home a bit earlier as a result.

Now along with those communication tools, COSTAATT has begun to venture into the social networking. There is the addition of social media networking services like the many Facebook pages that carries the school’s image; to in recent times Flickr, where both current and past students have access to view their graduation photos with a proud smile upon their face. One can indeed give credit for where it is due. The College of Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago has sure made some inroads in their zeal of keeping in contact with its internal public. They still have a way to go as their are issues that still need to be addressed to have effective communication. For example establishing a social media policy. It seems as though there isn't one as almost all of COSTAATT's Facebook pages are run by students. Also there needs to be better participation from both students and administration in order to make this work.

Unfortunately one semester was not enough time to iron out all the kinks. We do hope however, that this project has made a positive impact in improving the communication system which currently exist. We must admit though, they have made a big improvement from what we knew it to be. And for that....Kudos!

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